Our Services
What can I expect from my treatment?
The most common areas treated with a Cutera XEO Laser are the face and neck. Generally, each patient can expect the following:
• Treatments are performed in the privacy and comfort of our medical clinics, by a qualified and highly trained laser services technician.
• Safety eyeglasses are worn to protect the technicians and the patient’s eyes from the laser light during the procedure.
• No gel or topical anesthetic cream is required.
• The laser hand-piece is moved back and forth about half-inch inch above the skin.
• No discomfort is experiences, a gentle warming sensation is felt. Patients often describe the treatment as relaxing and therapeutic.
• This is repeated over the entire face or the surface-area that is being treated.
• The procedure takes approximately 30-45 minutes for the full face. The treatment can be shorter or longer depending on the area or areas being treated.
• The treated area may become pink and usually lasts from a few minutes to a few hours after treatment. Patients can immediately return to their normal activities following treatment.
• The Cutera XEO Laser safely and effectively treats uneven skin texture, scars, large pores, and diffuse redness. It is a comfortable, non-ablative, non-invasive form form of skin therapy.
What conditions do you treat?

Laser Genesis Skin Rejuvenation
- Non Ablative (zero-downtime) Skin Resurfacing
- Heavy Textured Skin
- Fine lines/wrinkles
- Rosacea
- Poikiloderma
- Scar Revision
- Acne Scarring
- Onychomycosis
- Apparent results in typically 4 to 6 treatments

Our Treatment Options
- Anti-Aging treatments
- IPL/Intense Pulse light
- Chemical Peels
- Microneedling + PRP
- Botox Facial/MESOGOLD
- Botox and Fillers
- Acne/Acne Scars
- Age/Brown spots
- Angiomas
- Deep Dermal Heating
- Freckles
- Inflammatory Acne
- Photodamage
- Poikiloderma
- Rosacea
- Scar Reduction
- Facial Veins
- Periorbital Veins
- Venous Lake
- Warts
- Wrinkles

Laser Hair Removal
- Laser Hair Removal
- Treatment for all skin types
- Superior contact cooling
- Multiple handpieces to deliver faster treatment
- All hair types that contain pigmentation
- Treatment can be done on all areas of the body
- Comfortable treatment
- Effective results
Get in touch with our skin care experts today and schedule an appointment.